Foundation Donations
The Jacksonstrong Foundation uses all funds and donations to help support families in need. Our foundation does not have any paid employees, and all of our activities are run by kind , generous, people who donate their time, in order to make a difference. The generosity of donors such as yourself has afforded us the opportunity to do things like pay rent and utility bills for families in need, send gift cards to be used for food or other necessities during long hospital stays, and offer comfort items to children in treatment. It has also provided us with the necessary funds to create and send care packages to brighten a cancer patient's day. If you would like to learn more about our care packages, or find out how you can donate items of comfort, please visit our comfort and care page. Lastly, but equally as important, our funds help to raise awareness and support pediatric cancer research. Please join our mission to improve the lives of those struggling with a pediatric cancer diagnosis. You can donate via Paypal by following the link below, or by sending a check or money order to The JacksonStrong Foundation at 10-22 5th St Fair Lawn, N.J. 07410. Thank you for your continued support.